As a gamer and a parent, the continued focus by Xbox to make gaming a safe place for all is as important as ever, and the latest feature implemented via the Xbox Insider Program allows gamers to capture and report inappropriate in-game voice chats.
The feature, which is initially being tested and rolled out to participants in the Alpha and Alpha Skip-ahead groups, will provide players who are targets of, or witnesses to inappropriate voice activity on the Xbox Series S/X or Xbox One to capture a 60 second video clip of the inappropriate behaviour that they believe violates Xbox’s Community Standards and report for review and further action. The recorded clip works similarly to the gameplay recording function but also includes the voice moderation function that can only be used for content moderation only. These clips will not appear in your recent captures and clips cannot be downloaded, modified, or shared. The captured clip is stored on the console of the person who captured it for 24 online hours removing the need for the player to immediately report. Xbox will also remind the player to report if not completed within the 24 online hour period. If you decide not to report, the clip will be erased from your console automatically. Another enhancement as part of this new tool is that Xbox have also updated their notification features so the player that submit the report will get a notification about whether or not Xbox took action as a result.

From Dave McCarthy, CVP, Xbox Player Services – “Gaming communities are important to us at Microsoft and Xbox, and our responsibility to provide players with safe gaming experiences is taken very seriously. When we looked at the next important milestone in our safety innovation, we wanted to target voice and specifically in-game chat where players have the highest opportunity to interact with players outside of their friend network.”
Stephen Balkam, CEO, Family Online Safety Institute stated to Xbox Wire that “with reactive voice reporting, Xbox continues to help players feel protected. Empowering players with easy-to-use tools helps foster togetherness, while improving the greater health of the gaming community on Xbox. With measures like this in place, players can feel confident they are in a safe, welcoming environment.”
As a parent, this is something that I will encourage my kids to use, on top of the significant other tools and functions at my fingertips, and as a parent of gaming children I am encouraged by Xbox’s continued focus in building a safe gaming environment for all.